Dear TPCA Community,
Another year has gone by, and the state of our school is strong for the immediate and long term future!
I would like to recognize your Board of Directors for their strong stewardship. Our elected, volunteer Board of Directors continue to ensure the school maintains the school’s vision through strategic guidance. Any member of the public can find all of our school’s Board of Directors documents, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, financial records, and much more in the FY23 Folder on our website.
As measured by the State of Colorado’s School Performance Framework system our Middle and High Schools were the number one secondary school in the district with a solid elementary performance. Our PSAT/SAT and Advanced Placement Scores continue to be some of the highest in the region!
Our audit for this year will not be completed until well into the next school year. However we are on track to have a balanced if not modest surplus again.
Our PTO and Booster club had positive fundraising totals generating over $30K and 11K respectively in extra revenue to support students and programming. Your Board of Directors concluded the year with TPCA’s first gala with modest revenue, but setting the stage for bigger things to come in the future. Direct donations to the school (led by King Soopers card participation) totaled over $20K, to directly support staff and faculty.
TPCA also generated over $125K in grants from the State of Colorado Preschool Fund and the Daniels Fund!
Yannis Diby - TPCA’s 1st State Champion! High Jump
Our extracurricular programming grew and we got to celebrate TPCA’s first State Champ. Our high school sports teams joined a new league, the Foothills League! Clubs at all levels of the school continued to grow, and once again our Odyssey of the Mind Team just competed at Worlds!
Our partnership with Apptegy and Charter Capital in the realm of marketing and family recruitment shows positive growth. Last week we concluded our 108th Family Tour! Like all marketing programs, your word of mouth advertising is invaluable, appreciated and we hope you continue to share what a unique school TPCA is to the region.
Summer Projects
Compared to previous years, this summer is relatively quiet. The Secondary classrooms will be painted, we have just switched over our phones and internet to Nexlight, and we will install one new HVAC unit on the elementary side of the building.
The latest School Security Update can be found on our website under the Parents/Students Tab.
Next Year
The teacher/classroom interface which is called Rooms will be accessible through our TPCA App, making your life a little simpler, and streamlining the communication process.
The fee system is changing as well to the Infinite Campus interface, which I am quite sure will be much more user friendly than RevTrak!
Next Year’s Academic Parent Calendar and the Beginning Year Dates Calendar on our website.
The Future
In a few weeks we begin our engagement with the St. Vrain Valley School District regarding a potential Bond for the entire district. A quick school finance review; Bond elections are focused on physical capital construction projects. Our Bond wish list consists of three requests:
School Security Enhancements (Doors, entrances, etc.)
A Field House (Restrooms, concessions & storage)
Parking Lots (Drainage and lighting)
The more representation of families (voters) that TPCA has specifically, and all 6 of the SVVSD charter schools generally, will help us receive much needed capital project funding that we can rally and support.
Joseph R. Mehsling
Executive Director
Twin Peaks Classical Academy
Longmont, CO
Cell: 970-391-8702