Here at Twin Peaks Classical Academy our students engage in rigorous classroom instruction from bell to bell and we are thrilled to see and celebrate the progress they make because of it.
Each year our students in 3rd-8th grade and our 11th grade students, take the Colorado Measures for Academic Success, or CMAS. Our 9th and 10th graders show their aptitude and progress through the PSAT and SAT, all of which are state-mandated assessments.
While a Classical Education teaches far more than a standardized test can evaluate, the results of these assessments give us great insight into the work we are doing. They provide data that inform our curriculum and instructional development, as well as identify areas of need to support early intervention. This data also helps us highlight our strengths as a school and showcase your student’s academic accomplishments.
This year, testing begins the week of April 10th. You will find our schedule for each school below.
Testing takes place first thing each morning throughout the testing window. Please ensure your child is on time for school. We also ask that you avoid scheduling appointments during testing whenever possible. If students are late, or cannot attend their full test session, they will have to wait for general testing to be over, then miss class time to attend a make-up session.
To help your student best prepare for success on these assessments, we encourage students to get a restful night’s sleep, eat breakfast, and bring a clean water bottle to school. If you have any questions about how to support your student’s success during these state assessments or have concerns about your child’s participation, please feel free to contact your student’s principal or assistant principal.
Lastly, for our high school students, there are late start days and schedule changes for students not scheduled for testing. Late start days are due to a number of our high school teachers, who also teach middle school, being needed to proctor assessments for their students. Please read the schedule carefully.
Again, thank you for your partnership as we continue to support the success of our students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.